horror stories I liked as a teenager, but never really achieved worry too much reading, except perhaps Lovercrafth, despite the opinion of Stephen King and unnatural about his baroque prose. Start reading "The Descent" with no idea of \u200b\u200bhis argument, only guided by the evocative title that I found, among other science fiction. I say this because at the end of the first chapter may seem that this is a horror story. But the passage of this presumption and deny pages missing, but afloat, the supernatural element.
There is, in all genres, a permanent commitment to repeat the argument with the hope of achieving the illustrious history. Jeff Long's novel tries to make famous the song "us against the monsters." And nearly succeeds.
In the first four long chapters, increases the suspense as we put together an incomplete network of conjecture based on remnants, as is customary. What's old enemies of the species (the focus of Lovercrafth), with the usual historical evidence, archaeological and folk, enemies who originally suggested and not shown, but its spooky action, until finally, in the fifth chapter , is recognized officially begins the official response, a cross (as in Heinlein's Starship Troopers and Alien II), with its stereotyped successes and setbacks. Speaking in a tone generic, summary, that the writers of adventure should be avoided because the detail is the meat of a novel, without Jeff Long gives us a pan but overall situation is very interesting and which alone could fill a miniseries of ten chapters. Is that we arrive at an original situation, if we forget Dante: Hell exists and is under the earth, right there, a little below our basement. And though Long demystifies the situation by reducing the inhabitants of the underground nothing more than to Homo abisalis ", a variant more sadistic warrior and the same homo sapiens, capable of coming under machine-gun bullets, also manages to leave feeling that the enemies are something more than hardened biology. It is an interesting technique: a quality strongly suggest explicitly denying it.
One author had been quite normal but the 25% of "The Descent" stretching the number of pages provided by the publisher. In fact, the movie "The Descent" Chapter 1 seems to be unsuitable, but officially there is no relationship between the two stories. Jeff Long has reached 25% of the story having occurred around and you realize that the issue just begun.
The rest is an expedition and also a struggle on several fronts, a sui generis mix of "Foucault's Pendulum" with "Journey to the Center of the Earth." A Verne would have loved. Jeff Long
enjoys military paraphernalia and operating rituals, and describes very well the action. It is difficult to describe and generate action thriller about a role. The writer should be able to hold the reader's mind so that this not want to calculate what will come. The description in bold, yet accurate, is essential. A writer of action should be something like an impressionist painter. The lines of "The Descent" easily and accurately generate all the scenes and especially the military. Of course, this efficiency lies in a peculiarity of the 21 century man: memory is full of scenes cinematrografia ready for a "copy and paste" instant on the table of the imagination.
The story is spiced with accurate quotations on various subjects such as anthropology, geology, religion, linguistics, archeology, history, literature, technology, biology, geography, anatomy, forensic medicine, etc.., As it also liked the old Verne. By the way, playing a small tribute, where one of the main characters, an ethnologist blind, lame Saxon sword that centuries ago was in the hands of both sides in conflict:
- What are you doing? January asked.
-Remembering a story, "" An Argentine poet spoke of two cowboys who were locked in a deadly fight with knives because they were dragged into it by their own knives.
The blind man raised his ancient sword used by a man as his demon
"Now I just wondered what the memory of iron," he concluded. And do not miss
philosophical issues left in the air, as when he describes the activity of Osprey, a specialist in Lepidoptera:
His research was related to the ancient migratory route of the Monarch butterflies. The "Viceroy Danas" put their eggs in North America and later died. Emerged juveniles without parents to guide them, and yet every year thousands of kilometers traveled the same route ancestral to the same destination in Mexico. How could they do? How could a creature that weighed less than half a gram to have memory? Surely, the memory should weigh something. What was the memory?
Jeff Long will love psychological disquisitions, analyzing the reactions and reflections on the reactions of his characters. Has sufficient liberality to make two gay main characters sympathetic. Write a fascist but he laughs them explicitly.
In short, a writer almost complete in all areas. It is a young man. Should not spend extended maturity period as Wilbur Smith (1) . That is, the coming years we will have better and better Jeff Long.
However, the quality of the story traces an arc. Starts low, rises near the end falls down. The auction seems to have been designed in 15 minutes, as I like say, with the Lord Editor waiting at the door with the car engine on, to be the original. However, Jeff Long was for more.
Other than that, much to my regret (what else would I write like that!), I notice a couple of serious inconsistencies, and capabilities that the character X should not have but you and other capabilities that the character should have and Z no.
is why I think the scepter of "famous novel" on the issue of "us against the monsters" remains where it is, and where this is a subject of contention and argument, so I prefer not to specify. In any case, may be grounds for an upcoming note.
By a hair.
leave the link to the site of the author, as can be see, is not a jerk either the print industry. Also, I like to travel to places and drinking risky and uncomfortable sensations sources of different places then recreate in their stories.
(1) Twenty years ago, Wilbur Smith wrote a story full of saccharine scenes drawn from advertisements and idealized, but from Rio entered the literature Sacred
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