Monday, March 28, 2011

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

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ANSELMO Bazalar defeated by the minimum difference in each field Huacho Venus Segundo Rafael Benites and is the only leading soccer Huachano
goalkeeper Miguel Anselmo Ramirez comvirtio Bazalar is a cornerstone for people of Venus can not score a goal became the best player at the Venus de Huach or
Francisco Guanilo was the figure so that his team Alejandro Manrique add three points to avoid seeing down his fence several times in front of the Southern Cone and became the best player on the pitch .
KENNEDY defeated by the minimal difference to the Ombudsman for the sole Miramar both Luis Curios or
SPORT BOLIVAR led by former Walter Minetto palmeña defeated by 2 to 1 at the Youth San Bartolome, goals of Bolivar's scored twice Jhoan Herbozo
CANYON SPORTING. 7-year scoring the Union Buenos Aires Ricardo Haro goals were made on three occasions, twice Antoni Diaz, Miguel Navarro and closed the scoring on midfielder Pablo Armando a powerful shot
NICOLAS DE Pierola scoring by 4 goals to nil to Huacho Macnamara Union scored for the Triple Crown winner Huachano Ivan Garcia on two occasions, Jesus Manrique, Julio Zegarra
Alejandro Manrique defeated by 3 goals to zero in the Southern Cone, Max scored Robles Victor Cerro La Cruz and the rout Joseph La Rosa

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Economic model social and solidary economy

and several popular Economy: From Bill and surrounding

Mideros Andrés Mora

On 17 March 2011, President Rafael Correa sent on an "urgent economic matters" draft "Law of the People's Economy and Solidarity" (the Act) to the National Assembly. This project is the development orientation of the regime towards the goal of living well. Moreover, the Constitution (Art. 283) states that the economic system is "social and solidarity." Thus I consider important to reflect on the social economy as an introduction to the draft law

From social economy
These are thoughts for the formulation policy, and not looking deeper in concepts and theories. For those wishing to do some authors to look for are: Karl Polanyi, Jean-Louis Laville, Alain Caillé, Anibal Quijano, Paul Singer, Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Manfred Max-Neef, José Luis Coraggio and Franz Hinkelammert. Additionally, you can visit the website of the Latin American Research Network of Social Solidarity Economy ( ). However, it is important to start with the need to break the formalization of the economy, and that since she can not understand the social economy.
In formal vision once established the "end" seek "rational" means to achieve the most efficient way. The resources are scarce and therefore the widespread use of "markets" said achieving efficiency. However, it is necessary to put a price (monetary or commercial) to "all" if it is to be considered as factor analysis. In this view the self-regulating market is utopia. Why change this conception?. Because the "end" money endangers the reproduction of life. Because it "justifies" the uncontrolled use of nature and human beings becomes a factor of production. Why not raise the reproduction of natural and social resources for a sustainable economic process. Because it creates "wins" disproportionate and many / as "losers / as", not only by structural inequality of income, but inequality of opportunity.
The alternative is to go look substantive. From this view of dependency and relationship between people, nature and society in the search for their survival. Then, the economic process occurs in the relationship between people and their environment to the satisfaction of material and immaterial needs. There arose a choice, and if any is not determined by scarcity. The institutional framework can be raised from five principles: reciprocity (between equals), redistribution, trade, autarky and plan (based on the recognition of historical processes). Two points arise which are completely different: i) going from the pursuit of capital accumulation to the satisfaction of needs and reproduction of life, and ii) to understand the market as an institution to do so as an option for the mobilization of goods and services to the satisfaction of needs.
José Luis Coraggio
defined the social economy, during a seminar at FLACSO-Ecuador in September 2008 as: "the system of institutions, values \u200b\u200band practices that take place in a society for its members and society as a whole, are located in the global division of labor, organizing production, distribution, circulation and consumption of goods and services useful, by socio-natural metabolism in order to satisfy the best possible way the needs and legitimate desires of all its members, including future generations. " This definition provides several intentions. Franz Hinkelammert raises some of them: i) the particular and general interest, ii) atomistic and associative action, iii) a utilitarian calculation and usefulness of solidarity; iv) market ethics and the ethics of responsibility and good live, and v) human subject and institutions. To address these intentions requires institutions (from the five principles set) as well as joint training and economic system.
The approach of the economic system recognize, as does the Constitution, as forms of organization to the public savings, private and popular. The first is aimed at finding common good governance and political power play. The private economy, capitalist, is based on the company and it is required to deepen social responsibility. The popular economy is given from the household and is intended to expanded reproduction of life. While there is much that can broaden, deepen and discuss, the intention is to have a framework to analyze the Bill

Project Law
To consider a bill, first, you need to know. This section summarizes briefly (and without comment) the bill to the next section to reflect on it.
The preamble refers to Articles 275, 283, 309, 311 and 319 of the Constitution. These articles provide for the development model to the good life, the economic system, financial system, financial sector, popular and supportive, and forms of economic organization (CBOs, cooperatives, public or private companies, associations, family, domestic, autonomous and mixed).
An important recognition is the fact that the forms of popular organization of the economy and several have been spontaneously throughout history, but have been marginalized in public policy and hidden under the concept of "informal" about the idea of \u200b\u200bcapitalist enterprise. While the lack of statistics is significant, it suggests that nationally, 50% of jobs are generated by micro-enterprises, which represent 25.7% of GDP. Popular finance have 3 million members and its members, UPAS less than 1 ha Provide 65% of basic consumer foods, while unpaid domestic work accounts for around 25% of GDP.
The Act aims to "recognize, encourage, strengthen and protect the people's economy and solidarity", and conceived as "a first step towards a new model." The Act applies to popular organization and solidarity economy, whose main purpose is the production of goods and / or services, and includes (Art. 6) to the sectors: community, association, cooperative, and popular economic units. To this must register with the Public Registry (Art. 4). Organizations will have legal personality (Art. 7). Organizations are guided by the following principles (Art. 3.): I) seeking the common good; ii) prevalence of work over capital and collective interests over individual ones, iii) social responsibility, solidarity and accountability; and iv) equitable distribution of surplus and solidarity.

Community organizations are those that are linked by spatial relations, family, ethnic or cultural identities, that by working together produce goods or services (Art. 11), it will have a background comprising social contributions in cash, labor or property (Art. 13). Associative organizations are constituted by individuals to obtain raw materials, supplies, tools, equipment or to market in solidarity (Art. 14). These will have a structure of government (Art. 15), and have social capital consists of quotas and economic surplus (Art. 16).
cooperatives are organizations formed by people to satisfy basic economic, social and cultural rights, jointly owned by and democratic management (Art. 17). These may be (Art. 19) of production, consumption (supply, sale of crafts, vendors, freelancers and home), savings and credit services (including associated work). Cooperatives have property (Art. 43), which includes the social capital (Art. 44). At least 50% of the surplus should be spent to increase distributable legal reserve fund (Art. 49). Cooperatives may issue bonds free trading on the stock market (Art. 50). Cooperatives may be intercepted by the Superintendencia de Economía Solidaria People (Art. 59).
popular economic units are one-person enterprises, family, home, retailers and craft workshops (Art. 66) . The first are economic production activities or services developed by workers self-employed persons and small households, organized "made" to meet the needs of employment and income (Art. 67).
The popular and supportive financial sector is composed of credit unions, associated entities or joint boxes and community banks and savings banks (Art. 70). Besides establishing central banks, whose formation is given by at least twenty credit unions (Art. 93). As associated entities or joint, community banks and savings banks and savings banks are understood to organizations formed by contributions (savings) for the granting of credit (Art. 95). To achieve a certain level of assets, associates, transactions and / or cover these organizations should be transformed into cooperatives (Art. 97). In addition, states that organizations can channel public resources for social and productive projects (Art. 98). Finally, credit unions also considering the use of methodologies "participatory" (solidarity groups, wheels, productive funds, burial funds, insurance product or any other funds or mobilize capital work) (Art. 99).
The Act creates the "Liquidity Fund Financial Sector People and Solidarity" as a lender of last resort (Art . 100). This fund will operate through a trust controlled by the Superintendency of Popular Economy and Solidarity (Art. 102). The Fund will have a board composed of one representative of the executive, a representative of the Interinstitutional Committee for Popular Economics and Development and a representative of the popular and supportive financial sector. In addition, A technical secretariat will have exercised by the People's National Finance Corporation (Art. 103). The fund will provide loans of liquids, to a maximum of 120 days notice, and shall ensure that investments and / or portfolio rated "A" (Art. 105). It also creates the "Deposit Insurance and Financial Sector Outreach People" as part of the Deposit Insurance Corporation (COSEDE) (Art. 106).

The Act provides that the State shall encourage, promote and give incentives to individuals and organizations covered by this Act A first survey is the benefit of all the incentives created by the Production Code. Also provides that in no case may have less privileged than other organizations with similar objectives from the standpoint of social or economic (Art. 114).
building Measures (Art. 117) provides for: programs and projects, lines of credit, training and education on issues relating to the Act, a priority for government procurement and technical assistance. It also establishes that the autonomous governments (GAD) develop programs and projects for socio-economic development sector (Art 118).
For promotion (Art. 199) provides that the State: promote the association will remove "obstacles" administrative, facilitate access to technological and managerial innovation, promote fair trade and responsible consumption, provide training and technical assistance, promote consumption, and incorporate the Financial Sector People and Solidarity in the National Payments System.
State policies designed to promote the sector (Art. 120), and will incentives for environmental liability (Art. 123). On taxation, the acts to be made between organizations and their members, as part of its social purpose does not generate taxes, while those made with third parties are subject to ordinary tax regime (Art. 121).

The relationship with the State
Interagency Committee established the People's Economy and Solidarity as an entity of stewardship of this economic subsystem. This committee shall be composed of ministers of states as determined by the Chairperson of the Republic. The Committee shall adopt and coordinate sector development policy (Art. 124). It also establishes an Advisory Council which allows participation, non-binding, organizations in the Committee (Art. 125). The regulation of Popular Economy and Solidarity is in charge of the executive branch through the ministries of the State (Art. 126).
The control is the responsibility of the Superintendencia de Economía Solidaria People (Art. 128), which has the following functions: control of economic activities, providing legal, authorized financial activities, up statistics and penalize, among others (Art. 129). The Superintendent / to be appointed / a by the Council of Citizen Participation and Social Control in a list prepared by the Chairperson / a de la República.
National Institute established the People's Economy and Development, as an entity under the ministry responsible for the inclusion economic and social, to implement public policies related to the sector (Art. 135). It also creates the National People's Finance and Solidarity (Art. 140), whose mission is to provide second-tier financial services organizations (Art. 141).

organizations have the obligation (Article 149), among others: keep the background or minimum authorized share capital and accounting date. You can not (Section 150) grant preferences or privileges to members of the organization, among others. Organizations should report on the social balance of their management, which proves the level of compliance with its principles and social objectives (preservation of identity, influence social and community development, environmental, educational and cultural) (Provisions general, second).

The bill serves the purpose of recognizing the People's Economy Development. It does so based on the recognition of organizations that exist in Ecuador, and seeks to formalize (through registration) of these organizations. To foster, strengthen and protect the People and Solidarity Economy will be promoted through regulations and policies. The other three objectives of the Act are also met. These are: regulating organizations, instituting the system of rights and duties, and establish public institutions for stewardship, regulation, control and guidance.

In general
The preamble reflects the need to recognize this sector, not create it, and for the formulation of policies for strengthening and protection. In this way the law is urgent and important. However, we must not lose sight, a "first step" to develop the social and economic model of solidarity. In this regard the Law of Popular Economy and Solidarity must be related systemic relations between the People's Economy Development, Public Economics and the Private Economy. Similarly, to think the institutional framework must be achieved to articulate the principles of reciprocity, redistribution, trade, autarky and plan.
An economic model is not created because it is defined in the Constitution. Neither Christian Socialists and Christian Democrats Social and managed to promote "social market economy." In Ecuador there is no free market, or established a welfare state. Social protection is minimal, and the economy is full of monopolistic practices, power groups, national and international financial mafia, is exclusive and has made a structural inequality. Changing objectives, but learning from the past, the challenge is from socialism (Ecuador XXI century) to promote "social economy."
For this, since the plan should define what role does each of the sub-economic development of the country, and therefore in the good life. You need to know that economic sectors, activities, objectives, and that perform under each of them, and likewise how they relate. To change the economic model to the social and solidarity must make structural changes. You have to define the role of the private economy, and must be given a new frame. One option that has been raised is that of "radical responsibility" so that private enterprise fulfills a social function. We must change the structures, but we should not "demonize" a private enterprise. You have to give place. Similarly, the public economy, responsible for the common good, should have a framework that allows you to achieve your goals. Space for interaction, too, is important from something that could be called public-private-popular, where two or three sectors work together. At the end of the three economies should aim toward the good life.
Another principle necessary for the institutionalization of the social economy is redistribution, where the state is legitimate center. This means that public policy and in particular (in this respect) social policy must be linked to the economic model. Social policy and social protection in particular (not just social security) must be revolutionized. It is from the economy where wealth is generated (not to mention money) and think this model should be established redistribution through policies that guarantee universal, based on which to build and define the good life. The change in the social economic model is bound, and in this space should be thoroughly radicalize the political process for a new structure and a sustainable and equitable development.
addition, it must raise the institutional principles of reciprocity and self-sufficiency of the Social Solidarity Economy. Reciprocity is an institution that must be built economically and socially. There is no talk of solidarity, but an act between equals that recognizes the interdependence of people, organizations, and society among themselves and with the environment. In this sense, the economy must be socially integrated, to ensure a system that protects life and play. Autarky arises from a glance of self-sufficiency at household, community, regional, national and even global. Namely ensuring that the production is sufficient for the satisfaction of needs (in a responsible consumer, legitimate needs and sustainability), including future generations.
Finally a practical issue. When you start the transformation to a model of social solidarity economy, and recognize and encourage the People's Solidarity Economy should bring this transformation to the system of national accounts, in order to calculate and track the value creation added and wealth (now if I talk about money, but also include new statistics).

As organizations
recognition is essential that the bill makes the organizations of the Popular Economy and Development. However, greater clarity is required to define the role these play within the model of social solidarity economy. A key factor is the "local development". Raised community organizations, associations and cooperatives, and popular economic units. In recognition, strengthening and protection this sector can not ignore its connection to a territory, and therefore should be in a local development framework. That does not mean the joint regional and national level through networking. The latter also should take into consideration the context of institutionalization.
can understand the requirement of registration in a single catalog of accounts in the case of community organizations, associations and cooperatives, retail and craft workshops. But it is something that requires further reflection in the case of economic units of one-person enterprises, family or household, organized to meet the needs of employment and income. At this point it is important differentiating criteria in the Act (it will also secure in the Regulation) to determine the instance and method of recording and reporting, where the initiative should come from the state and not from home. Should be a right not an obligation.
Similarly it is important to differentiate this entity segment and control mechanisms, obligations, violations and penalties, and the promotion and protection policies. Particular flexibility or differentiation is required since, as recognized by the Act, these organizations are made of "fact" and prioritize the "adequacy on the efficiency." It is also important to return to institutional principle, the Social Solidarity Economy in autarky. This time look from production for consumption either at home or community, and to recognize, promote and protect.
Other points for reflection are the figures of social capital (equity), economic surplus (utility) indivisible legal reserve fund (equity), and free issuance of bonds trading on the stock market. The last two in the case of credit unions. While on the recognition of these organizations, we must take care that the legal framework of the guidelines and adjust to the reproduction of life, and not to the accumulation of capital.
In this respect one should think that some community organizations, associations, cooperatives (especially savings and credit), retail entities and / or craft workshops, which exist today should not be considered as Business organizations People's Solidarity per se. It would leave open the possibility and necessity (for example) large credit unions (which, given its history and development) work "as banks" remain in the private sector. Another example is a retail micro aimed expanded capital accumulation. Here, the raison d'être of the organization (primacy of labor over capital) and the character of local development could bring to the draft law
When thinking about the popular financial sector and solidarity, it is important to emphasize the character of local development, the role of "financial intermediation", to break the restriction of productive credit, housing and consumption (for emergencies, not for luxury spending .) It should expand the role of microinsurance as a social protection mechanisms at community level (urban and rural). One should think that the resources are captured by moving in the same territory, hence the income (through which savings become credit) should encourage the local (that savings are invested in the area). Similarly should prioritize savings flows among territories as measure of redistribution, there a role for the National Popular Finance.
Other issues that should enter the discussion explicitly (for regulation) are the primacy of labor over capital (paid work, not seeking profit), and forms of use and "property "means of production. They can differentiate an organization of Popular Economy and Solidarity in a capitalist economy, to ensure the promotion and guarantee of work and develop the economic process with an objective other than to the accumulation of capital. Finally, domestic work and the economy of care (whose services, unpaid, are provided in the home) must be included in the subsystem popular and supportive, recognizing and protecting these activities, and ensuring social protection.

As for incentives and the relationship with the State
To think incentives are required to think about the institutional principle, the Social Solidarity Economy, exchange . This allows the circulation and ultimately the consumer. Direct exchanges can be established between communities and / or through networks. Market access should be thought of as a mechanism of movement of goods and services, ensuring fair, sustainable and priority. Important is the priority in government procurement, but also should encourage participation in private markets from a different perspective to the capitalist. Again, it is necessary to consider local development when you think the People's Economy and Development, but also food security, or more broadly in meeting security needs.
Beyond the relationship with the State, should mechanisms of economic governance of the People's Economy Development. It is important to involve the State and, in general, adequate as proposed in the Bill, however, broadening the participation of organizations and other stakeholders, directly and through networking. Participation in policy definition should be binding, but properly regulated in the form. It is society and not the government who set economic priorities.
Finally, in stewardship, monitoring and control subsystem, as well as policy implementation, it should include autonomous governments (regional, provincial councils, municipalities, autonomous metropolitan district, parish councils and special regimes). Again, from a logic of local development, and also because the Ecuador "is governed in a decentralized manner."

final reflection
must understand, in depth, the Social Solidarity Economy. In fact, is built in a participatory this economy, and for that we should define institutional principles. We must start from the economic system, identifying and distinguishing subsystems, actors, relationships and roles. The economy must be given for development, for the good life. Social policy and social protection in particular, should be tied to the economic model.
The regulatory framework should establish governance processes of the economy, and its relations with the social, political and environmental. The draft Law of the People's Solidarity Economy is critical, and a first step to building this new model. This discussion seeks to contribute to disseminate the draft Act, and the debate in the Assembly Law, the drafting of regulations and policy development. The transformation of the economic model is urgently required to radicalize the process of public revolution. It must transform the economic structure, promoting the common good from the public economy, the reproduction of life from the popular, and accountability in the private economy.

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

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7: 20 am Sport Boys vs.
Chonta Cross 9:15 a.m.
Citculo vs White Cross. Deportivo Independiente 11:00
Marcial Villanueva vs. am. San Lorenzo Alliance
12: 45 pm. Cultural vs. San Lorenzo. Deportivo Millonarios Deportivo
2:30 pm vs Rosario. Zapata Youth
4: 15 pm. Sport vs Mansamiento. PA Sport

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Mallqui Josè will press conference on the case of Joseph Yances

President of Sport Ancash will lecture on Monday 28

President José Sport Ancash Mallqui, Huacho up on Monday to give a press conference at 11 morning, and will report all details of the case of José Yances player, who this year signed by Peter Anselmo Bazalar, a transfer that has brought to the fore a number of irregularities.
José Mallqui, said the Peruvian Football Federation had canceled the transfer. As is known, on two occasions sent two official letters to the player paramonguino to be integrated into the training of your team, without Yances is done, training is continued as if nothing happened with the team at La Manchuria, where said he could not play because he had a hangnail that affected him.
This sort of mismanagement within the FPF and the department.

Courtesy: Periodico Primera Plana

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

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Welfare Union (2) defeated champion Chorrillos Union (0)

On Sunday he played the first round of the championship first division Hualmay Football League called "Oduvaldo Churrango Romero" in the field of sports The Hoyada. Were 5 interesting games that saw the fans.

at 7:50 am, at the first meeting the Union Welfare start the year by defeating the champion Chorrillos Union by a clear 2-0, with goals from Ricardo Meza Osma and Joel Ramos. Aquise its president Jose Sanchez, was supercontento for the triumph of his cocky, he even invited a dish of food to our correspondent "Koki" Morales and to liter soda.

At 10 am, the Antonio Raimondi struggled to beat Deportivo Villamar, 1-0. The only goal was Ronald Chamorro Guerra. In the third match at 12 noon, San Lorenzo which was presented very well in their traditional uniform shirts good team lost to the Friends of Once 2-1, the goals of the Friends Once made Facundo Juarez Ramirez (13 years). San Lorenzo pulled by Gianfranco Huamán Romero.

On the undercard, the Teofilo Cubillas beat him in a nice match for 2-1, the Youth Puquio Cano. For the winner's goals came from Edson Alvarado Sword and John La Rosa Perez, and Sergio scored Abangiraldo loser.

The star, in a meeting where a rally accident broke her ankle Racing player, Adhemar Baltazar Ramírez, and in which the referee Calizaya ended the match in the second half, for invasion of fans Racing on the field because they felt that the referee had taken a penalty kick when the opponent is shot in the area, which is not so, when there were played 15 minutes, the Hope and Youth Racing split the points by drawing 0-0.

missed the police presence, especially to give the guarantees of the case to the arbitrators, as the field has no Olympic mesh also no kit to treat the injured. FRACTURE

noteworthy that for a second week, teams of Youth La Esperanza injure teammates from other teams last week with malicious intent goalkeeper broke his leg to a novice player Pedro Enrique Maturrano Houses only 14 years and this time he broke the tibia and fibula another computer.

The Hualmay Football League, has to take actions as are sanctioned by the commission for justice, not to recur such despicable acts that will do great harm to the sport in general. You have to tell you, football itself, not thuggery.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

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Marcial Villanueva failed to San Lorenzo Cultural

Benitez Romario just 14 years is one of the good values \u200b\u200bof Sport Boys Town old and has much
Sport Boys old town is a favorite for the low, sad part is the former president

Results of the fourth round of the championship of Major League Soccer Santa Maria played on March 20 at the stadium Marcial Villanueva Marcos we present

Circle of Cruz Blanca 0 - 0 Sport Boys

3 Sport Pennsylvania - a millionaire sports

3 Deportivo Rosario - 1 Cross


Deportivo Independiente 4 - 1 Juventud Zapata

1 Sport Commandment - 0 San Lorenzo Alliance

Marcial Villanueva 1 - 0 San Lorenzo Cultural


1 .- Sport Commandment 12 points

2 .- Cultural San Lorenzo 12 points

3 .- Deportivo Independiente 10 points

4 .- Marcial Villanueva 09 points

5 Deportivo .- Rosario

09 points 6 .- Juventud Zapata 06 points

Pennsylvania 7 .- 06 points Sport

Alliance 8 .- San Lorenzo 03 points

9 .- Cross 03 points Chonta

10 Circle of Cruz Blanca 01 points

11 Sport Boys 01 points

12 Deportivo Millonarios 00 points

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the scoring in HUACHO

Sportin Barranco easily defeated by Miramar Defender 4 to 0

Play the third day of football Huachano these are the following results

Sport Bolivar easily beat one of the favorites to go down in the Macnamara Huacho Union fell by four goals to the goals of a winning team Juan Sanchez made them three times and increased the scoring Carlos Challenge and discounting for the Huacho Macnamara Luis Ramos

defeated Nicolas de Pierola Alejandro Manrique's youth by 4 goals to one, the champion of both the tri huacho the July jotita Zegarra converted three times and the rout Acevedo zero discounting for the Franco Manrique Guanilo

Barranco gave Sporting scoring 4 to 0 to a stranger I just Ombudsman Miramar a man down for the expulsion of Gaston Suarez silly to deal it a blow to the face Sporting striker Ricardo Haro Barranco scored twice accompany the scoring Miguel Navarro and Cristian Ribeyro, Barranco President Dr. Nunez had promised a good prize if he won the Miramar

John F.

Kennedy could not beat the Southern Cone Youth even though the bull was a favorite team in the field of play but the boys of the Southern Cone under the technical direction of Balarezo pose the match and could well get a draw at the end of term meeting 1 to 1

Bazalar Pedro Anselmo had no compassion to win by eight goals to 0 in one color of the championship as the Union Buenos Aires, the district of Valdivia team at any time arrived with much danger to the arc Miguel Ramirez argues, the goals of the team's Manchuria Francis Salazar became five times increase Walter Saenz, Joseph Dulaney and closed the account the pumice Johnny! Bermúdez

Huacho Venus also scoring five goals to nil at St. Bartholomew Youth ended with one player less and goals of the team scored on Carlos Coca three times and becoming as championship's top scorer and helped Cristian Iolanda for Yardi rout zero Lutgardo and Robert Vigil has

good values \u200b\u200bof Sportin Barranco brothers Jesus and Miguel Navarro

Thursday, March 17, 2011

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Again Huacho City and Lima Region, shone with the Sport-Science in the city of Lima, where our talented Gary Barker Coral (U-18), student of the Universidad Alas Peruanas-Subsidiary Huacho achieved its greatest sporting triumph to obtain the classification to "World Chess Championship 2011" to be held in RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL from 10 to 22 November, organized by the International Chess Federation, FIDE, and in which the champions countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania and the Americas.

For the history of sport in the city of Huacho, Gary Barker will be our first World Cup, thanks to his outstanding actions taken during the peak NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP-Official-Calendar event organized by the Peruvian Federation of Chess in the city of Lima from 10 to 13 March, where he shared the 4th tied. Place with 3.5 points.

The National Final was held on the esplanade of the Exhibition Park of Lima, where more than 200 athletes competed, representing the cities of Arequipa, Lima, Ica, Tumbes, Ayacucho, Piura, Chiclayo, Chimbote, Trujillo, Huanuco , Huaraz, Huancayo, Huacho, Sullana, Huaral, Tacna, Cañete, Tarma, Cusco, Puno, etc. Simultaneously

Gary Barker ranked in the national team, with the value Sumen JAIME GARCIA (U-16) CAISSE Chess Academy, both represent Peru at the XXII PANAMERICAN to be held in the city of Cali-COLOMBIA in July 2011.

The official delegation of the League of Huacho, consisted of the 2 athletes, previously achieved its ranking in the North Regional Championship held in Chicago from 10 to 13 February 2011.

In advance, we appreciate the support they can provide institutions, private companies and district authorities, provincial and regional travel both values \u200b\u200bto defend the national colors, in pursuit of new international wins for Peru.

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Marcial Villanueva is on three points this weekend
Programming the fourth round of the St. Mary Soccer VALDIVIEDO FRANCISCO VARGAS called the six meetings will take place on Sunday 20 March at the stadium district Marcial Villanueva Marcos campiñero

7: 20 Am Circle of Cruz Blanca Vs Sport Boys

9: 15 Am Sport
Pennsylvania Millionaire Vs Deportivo 11:00

Am Sports Rosario v. Cruz de Chonta

12: 45 Pm. Juventud Independiente vs. Deportivo Zapata

2:30 pm. Sport Alliance vs. San Lorenzo Commandment

4: 15 Pm. Marcial Villanueva vs. San Lorenzo Cultural


2 .- 09 points 09 points Marcial Villanueva
3 .- San Lorenzo Cultural
4 .- 09 points 06 points Juventud Zapata
5 Independent Real .- 6 .- 06 points Deportivo Rosario
7 .-
06 points 03 points
Sport Pennsylvania Alliance San Lorenzo 8 .- 03 points
9 .- Cross Chonta
03 points 10 .- Deportivo Millonarios 0 points
11 .- Circle of Cruz Blanca 0 points
12 .- Sport Boys 0 points

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Programming of the second round of the championship first division soccer salchichero called Mr. Mariano Humberto Infante Rosado

Saturday March 19

1:50 pm. Bolivar v. Union Sport Huacho Macnamara

4: 00 Pm. Alejandro Manrique v. Nicolas de Pierola

Sunday March 20
9:50 Am Vs Defensor Sporting Barranco Miramar

12:00 M. John F. Kennedy v. Southern Cone

2: 00 Pm. Anselmo Vs Bazalar Buenos Aires

4:00 Pm Youth Vs Venus de San Bartolomé Huacho

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The Guanilo brothers defending the colors of the Club Alejandro Manrique

People want to continue celebrating the Venus

Thus was the Sporting player Peter Barranco Samanamud

The delegate Alejandro Manrique arrived at the stadium or will be a good hangover Cecilia

The delegate of the Ombudsman fulfills its functions well Miramar

Miramar Players had to get a fan off the field who wanted to attack the referee

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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I have seen it blocks Suzanne Mc Neil with 3 seams.

She uses squares of 10 ", mine are 6"