President of Sport Ancash will lecture on Monday 28
President José Sport Ancash Mallqui, Huacho up on Monday to give a press conference at 11 morning, and will report all details of the case of José Yances player, who this year signed by Peter Anselmo Bazalar, a transfer that has brought to the fore a number of irregularities.
José Mallqui, said the Peruvian Football Federation had canceled the transfer. As is known, on two occasions sent two official letters to the player paramonguino to be integrated into the training of your team, without Yances is done, training is continued as if nothing happened with the team at La Manchuria, where said he could not play because he had a hangnail that affected him.
This sort of mismanagement within the FPF and the department.
This sort of mismanagement within the FPF and the department.
Courtesy: Periodico Primera Plana
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